
Assogomma comments on the Annex XV Dossier of the universal PFAS restriction proposal

Tubigomma Deregibus Srl supports Assogomma comments on the Annex XV Dossier of the universal PFAS restriction proposal.

“PFASs constitute a very large class of chemicals, with very different chemicophysical and eco-toxicological properties.
Fluoroelastomers, and in general fluoropolymers, constitute a separate group in the large class of PFAS. They are inert and stable materials, insoluble in water, non-mobile, non-bioavailable, non-bioaccumulable and non-toxic.

Due to their unique combination of properties, fluoroelastomers are used to produce components intended to operate in harsh conditions (such as high temperatures, aggressive chemical environments, or both).
Many of their technological applications are key for the implementation of strategic plans such as the digital and green transitions and no equivalent alternatives are known.
For all these reasons fluoroelastomers, and in general fluoropolymers, should be excluded from the scope of the restriction.”

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